The structure of UKCERT has been established to fully meet international accreditation standards and national legal requirements.
You can validate your certiicate's credentials by verifying your certificate at this site by clicking at the link validity.
Any kind of clarification you can mail us at
The letters ‘CE’ gaze on many products marketed on the extended Single Market in the EEA. CE Certification is necessary to export in Europe.
we are passionate about helping companies to get the CE marking for their products. We are committed to making the complex CE marking certification process more transparent and easy to understand. We try to do this by explaining the rules in plain language. And by providing easy to use tools that enable you to manage the CE marking yourself. We encourage you to take control over your CE marking projects, ending your dependency on CE testing and certification bodies. You will save a lot of time and money, and dramatically increase your CE certification success rate when you are better prepared to apply the rules and requirements.